We are in an extraordinarily, unique place in human history where we are at this very moment experiencing a world event that has pretty much slowed life as we know it in its tracks. I hope that through this time, you are safe and well. For some, I know there has been illness and loss. These days are indeed difficult and heart wrenching. Even though we are supposed to physical distance as one of the primary means of protection, we are united together in these times of sadness and challenge. What I have been seeing during these times, as people begin to adjust, is an outpouring of love and support and inventive ways of staying connected.
The only way out is through.
Our world is being profoundly hit all at once with great dramatic force on daily life and health. Like a cataclysmic force of nature, an event of this magnitude will change what it hits. My hope and belief is that on the other side of this shared experience we will find a deeper sense of connection--to each other--to our inner selves that can sometimes get lost in the daily hubbub of life--and to the animals and wildlife and fantastic beauty that exist in nature. I envision an enlightened world where we meet connection and challenge with creativity and imagination and ingenuity and innovation. Where we add more beauty to the world and not add to the suffering.
I am grateful to the many inventive and creative scientists working on testing and treatments to end this pandemic. I am grateful for all the first responders, for the doctors and nurses and medical staff risking their lives to save others. I am grateful for the essential workers standing on their feet for hours at the grocery stores and post offices and banks and childcare settings, for the mass transit workers that are keeping things literally moving. And thanks to everyone else who are staying inside so we get through this sooner rather than later and safer for the efforts.
Here is a touching video produced by the Downtown Seattle Association of the quiet streets in downtown Seattle. It is moving that in the absence of people outdoors, you can feel the strength of the community indoors. Flatten the curve! We got this!
We are going to get through this.
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