Opening Day 2016. The pomp and circumstance begins at 8:35 am sharp as the 1st Corps Army Band Brass Quintet begins to play. Marching to the tune of the band, Past Admirals and Amiralettes form an honor guard. Commodores from all visiting yacht clubs, parade judges, and visiting VIPs fill the neatly coiffed grounds. The flags of the United States and Canada are raised while their respective National Anthems are played. In addition to the country flags, the burgees of the visiting yacht clubs are raised. A colorful array of cloth.
The ceremony ends at 9:30 am sharp so the distinguished guests can go watch the 30th Annual Windermere Cup Regatta and Parade of Boats!
In this painting is the flag pole where the flags of the US and Canada and the burgees of the visiting yacht clubs are hoisted. Boats are docked in the water. Capitol Hill is in the background.